I think we can finally say that Spring is here in full force. This week was [mostly] very warm, and contained several thunderstorms that convinced me that Indiana has accepted that it is Springtime. :) Yay for the end of winter!
This week wasn't overly eventful, although I did find out that I passed the math qualifying exam, which is the monster one, so I was relieved to hear that! :) I have a sprint triathlon coming up next Saturday that my friend Helen is doing with me. We were both feeling a little nervous about the prospect of a tri, so we decided to do a practice run of the whole event (not at race pace, just casually), in an attempt to prove to ourselves that we could do it. Unfortunately, when we woke up on Wednesday, it was storming intensely, so we had to resort to doing the whole practice tri indoors. No problem! :)
We started with 40 minutes on the spin bike, which said it was about 16 miles for me (Helen was over 17, woo!), followed by 3.1 on the treadmill. I was right at 30 minutes for the 5k--a little slow for me, but I have to remind myself that my legs are going to be slower after spending time on the bike immediately beforehand. We swam last just because it made the most sense logistically (not soaking wet on the spin bikes, shower after swimming, etc). We swam the 300 meter swim that we will have to swim in the tri, and I finished in just under 5 minutes. I think we both felt much better afterwards, and now we are ready to conquer this tri! :)
I had an exam on Thursday, which I think went pretty well, and then went out with drinks for Helen and a few other friends on Thursday evening. She lives in Michigan now, so whenever she visits, I make sure to maximize contact time with her. :) This weekend I did a 5k with my friend Bethany--race recap to follow shortly. Today I biked the bike route for next week's tri. I was very relieved when I looked at the course and saw that they had changed it from previous years so there is no longer a humongous hill in the middle! There are still a few decent hills, but I am happy to avoid this monster. :) I ended up biking 16 miles and felt pretty good, so I hope that's a good sign for next weekend. Have a good week, everyone!
This week wasn't overly eventful, although I did find out that I passed the math qualifying exam, which is the monster one, so I was relieved to hear that! :) I have a sprint triathlon coming up next Saturday that my friend Helen is doing with me. We were both feeling a little nervous about the prospect of a tri, so we decided to do a practice run of the whole event (not at race pace, just casually), in an attempt to prove to ourselves that we could do it. Unfortunately, when we woke up on Wednesday, it was storming intensely, so we had to resort to doing the whole practice tri indoors. No problem! :)
We started with 40 minutes on the spin bike, which said it was about 16 miles for me (Helen was over 17, woo!), followed by 3.1 on the treadmill. I was right at 30 minutes for the 5k--a little slow for me, but I have to remind myself that my legs are going to be slower after spending time on the bike immediately beforehand. We swam last just because it made the most sense logistically (not soaking wet on the spin bikes, shower after swimming, etc). We swam the 300 meter swim that we will have to swim in the tri, and I finished in just under 5 minutes. I think we both felt much better afterwards, and now we are ready to conquer this tri! :)
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My friend Helen and I after eating delicious burritos to reward ourselves for our practice tri :) |
Congrats on passing the math exam! Math has always been my weakest subject so any important math test (like the GRE and SAT) send me into a spiral of panic. I'm glad you did well!