Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Training Tuesday

Sorry for the unexpected absence on the blog front! I obviously did not complete the streaking challenge--I was never sure if I'd be able to, and once I missed one day, I just lost all motivation to get back on it. I figured a Training Tuesday post was a good way to get started again. :)

Monday: 40 minutes tempo run (4.5 miles @ 8:50 pace, total time: 39:45)
Typically, Monday is the day after my long run, so I will either do a short run or just stretch and do some strength training. This week though, I had moved my long run to Friday, with only a short run on Sunday, so by Monday I was feeling ready to go. I moved the tempo run for the week to Monday and off I went. This run felt really great and I felt quick/strong the whole time. :)

Tuesday: Stretch and Strengthen (Actually just rest)
Since I moved my speed day to Monday, I moved one of my rest days to Tuesday. I was supposed to stretch and strengthen, but really I just took the day off completely.

Wednesday: 5 miles easy (actual: 5.1 @ 10:08 pace)
This was a very strange run because usually I have to force myself to slow down on easy days, but on this run, even when I felt like I was going a little fast, my pace was around 10:00. Not sure if I was still a little tired from Monday or if my fueling was just off, but I guess it was a perfect day for an easy recovery run.

Thursday: 3 miles easy + strength
I intended to run Thursday evening, but instead we went to see The Martian (which is a great movie by the way!), so I did not get any running in. I almost ran when we got back from the movie around midnight, but I decided that was unnecessary and I'd just run a little extra on Friday.

Friday: 4-5 miles @ HM pace, goal: 9:05-9:09 (actual pace: 9:06, splits: 9:15, 9:02, 8:59, 9:09, + 1.4 mile CD)
This run was quite a struggle for me towards the end. It made me very worried about hitting my pace for the half marathon, but we will see. I ended up doing 4 at HM pace and then a 1.4 mile cool down, which I thought was a good breakdown.

Saturday: Rest
I like resting the day before a long run, so I happily took this day off before tomorrow's 11 miler. I did a lot of cleaning during the day, which made me feel productive. :)

Sunday: 11 mile long run (pace: 9:46)
This run felt really good until about mile 8. I took a totally different route than I normally do for my long runs, which I think is good to do, but by mile 8, I was just totally exhausted. I think I was pretty dehydrated, because I ended up having a headache for most of the day after the run. Bleh. I keep trying to remember that a bad long run doesn't mean I'm not going to reach my goals for the half, but it's easy to get frustrated!

Total Mileage: 26.00

Overall, I am happy with my mileage for the week and I think I had some pretty strong workouts. It's my first time getting 25 miles in a week, so I was pretty excited about that. I am on track to get 100 miles for October (again, a first for me), as long as I do my long run on Saturday instead of Sunday (which I'd do anyway because we have a wedding on Saturday evening and I'm not sure how I'll feel on Sunday). Less than 2 weeks until my half!


  1. I've been struggling with a similar lack of motivation to blog. Nice work with your runs though! 100 mile month, woo-hoo!

    Which half are you running? Are you going to post about goals?

    1. I am running the Monumental Half Marathon in Indianapolis on November 7! My goal is to break two hours--that would be a PR by about 7 minutes. I'll find out if I can do it or not soon enough! :)

  2. Great job this week! I have definitely been struggling with blogging consistently. But I find the recaps are a good way to ease myself back in since the don't involve too much thinking:)
