Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Long Weekend

This weekend was our Fall Break, which doesn't mean too much for graduate students, since we are still expected to make progress on our work, but I did have a fun weekend and took most of Monday off. I was supposed to get a long run in (9 miles), but it never stopped raining, so I will have to do it today even though it is still raining! Let's do a quick run through of my weekend fun. S

Saturday one of my best friends, a roommate from undergrad, came to Purdue to visit. She brought her boyfriend who I had never met before, so it was great to meet him. We went to the football game against Michigan State, which could have been really awful (we haven't been playing very well this year, and Michigan State is one of the best teams in the nation), but we actually held our own.

If you check out each quarter, we were actually doing quite well until half time. One of my good friends here at Purdue in grad school went to Michigan State for undergrad, so it was a healthy rivalry. I was really hoping that we'd beat Michigan State because it'd be an upset, and it would have forced her to give Purdue some love. :)

Saturday night we were worn out from the game, so we stayed in and played Trivial Pursuit. I don't think I have ever played before, but it was really fun! We didn't know a lot of the questions (in our defense, the game was from 1981, so things like Entertainment were rather outdated), so the game took a long time, but I think everyone had a good time. On Sunday morning we drove a half hour to see one of our other roommates from college, who recently bought a house, which is so adorable! We got to spend some time with her and her husband, which was great, and then we explored their house. It made me feel slightly inadequate, since I am still at Purdue (although I have graduated, left, and returned), and here she is with a beautiful house. They were even talking about having kids! 0_0 On the drive home though, I tried to put things in perspective, and realize that we are working hard to better ourselves here at Purdue, and that it's not healthy to compare your life to others. It reminded me of this great quote.

Monday I spent most of the day relaxing, which was nice. Tuesday I was mostly back to work--ah the life of a graduate student. Hope everyone has a great week!

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